Acts of Kindness


I was looking back through our old posts and came upon a couple that we had done as “acts of kindness”. A smile quickly arose on my face because all the memories came pouring back from last summer. We had thrown ourselves in a bunch of different circumstances where we were helping peoples days become a little brighter. I thought that maybe we should bring that back? I mean, why not.

It was a very easy and heart whelming feeling helping people pay their bills, or writing them a little letter and sticking it under their windshield. It was acts like that that made my summer a whole lot better, and for the simplest of reasons.

This summer, I want to try and make as many peoples days as possible, whether it be a hello or holding the door for them; telling someone they look beautiful or asking how they are doing for once. We all get so busy in our schedules and we forget that maybe the people surrounding us have emotions as well. Maybe they are having a bad day or are struggling in some type of way. Its each and every one of our jobs to pay it forward and let people know that they are loved or cherished.

I was reading a story once about a girl who noticed a homeless man sitting outside of a Starbucks. instead of doing the usual gesture of giving the man a couple dollars, she invited him in to sit with her and chat over a cup of coffee. The man, taken back at first, decided to join her. They talked of many different things, but what the girl noticed most is that the man had a lot of hurt behind his eyes, even while he was flashing the biggest grin.

After they decided to part ways, the girl gave him 100 dollars and told him to jumpstart his life, because he has so much potential. He gave her the money back and with it was a note he had written. It said that he had been planning on taking his life that day, but because she took the time to make him realize how beautiful life can be, he decided to make a change.

This girl, who took thirty minutes out of her day, was able to change a mans life forever. I look up to people like that. People who don’t think anything of helping a random stranger overcome their battles. I love that.

So from now on, I will do whatever I can to help people, no matter what they are going through. Hopefully that story acts as a reminder that there are good people in this world. Aside from all the destruction and the awful events that have taken place..taken lives; there are good people and there are good things that are happening. Take part in those amazing things, and take pride in the fact that you are, in some way shape or form, making the world a better place.

TravEliNG tHROuGh TiMee

Today, like many other days, the job search begins. I find that when I am not looking, that’s when all these jobs want me to be a part of the magic, but when I am really really trying to find something, they are all hiding. The irony baffles me, but hey, that’s life

Back on subject.

I took a short break from the grueling work day (jokes), and decided to watch a movie that I have never seen before. I went on my HBO GO page and picked the first movie at the top of the alphabet titled “About Time”. Not sure if any of you have ever heard about it or seen it before, but I really truly liked it. I also thought, what world am I living in for not knowing this movie because one of my favorite actresses of all time was in it. Rachel McAdam’s. Babe.

Carrying on.

Its a movie about a guy who lives a pretty boring life until he discovers that he can travel through time. He does not have the ability to change history but he can, in fact, change some of the major, or not so major moments in his life. This movie is basically a decision of what he makes of this gift.

He immediately goes back in time to try and make a girl fall in love with him, but he soon realizes that maybe she is not the one for him. He moves to London to move on with his life and become as successful as he possibly can, as an up and coming lawyer. He finally meets a girl that takes his breath away, and through his time traveling, and quick wit, was able to win her over. The built a beautiful life with one another.


But what Tim, the main character, realizes soon enough is that his time traveling abilities cannot save him or his family from the unexpected tragedies that affect everyone everywhere in a lifetime.

Tim learns, throughout this whole process, that maybe he didn’t need the time traveling to make the most out of life, and maybe, things just happen…because. It is a funny love story with a touch of sadness, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Obviously the movie isn’t a work of fiction, but it taught me a thing or two about the craziness of life. We always wish that we could change how things play out, but in reality that just takes away from the beauty of it all. If we knew how things were going to work, we would never be able to make the most out of the life that we are meant to have.


“We’re all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.”

This quote says it all. Stop worrying about what you need to change about the past. Live in the now. Focus on the now. Be in the now.

definitely check out the movie though.

Summer Trends 2015


With summer in full force, and the heat a bit out of control, I have seen many sporting loose and light fitting clothing to stay cool yet flirty for the warm months to come. Whether it is a long maxi dress, or a flowy romper, styles from different generations are coming back into play.

What is cool about 2015 is that so many different styles are welcomed, are there is no exact way that someone should dress. I have always been one who likes to go with the flow of trends but I also like to put my own twist on my fashion so it is nice to see that people are being original this summer.

One of the first trends that I like seeing this summer is a higher wasted maxi skirt mixed with a crop top or a tank top tucked into it. Many girls/women are seen sporting this look but what they do is put their own splash of creativity into it. Here you see a very flirty look of a girl wearing a beautiful yellow maxi skirt (which looks amazing on her skin tone) mixed with a beautiful lace cropped top. The mix of the two makes for a perfect beach vacation date night.


Another trend that I have been seeing a bunch and is one of my favorite is a loose fitting maxi dress, either paired with a belt to add some shape around the waist, or tide up at the bottom and paired with a pair of cute wedges or strappy sandals.

In the picture below, this girls decided to tie the bottom up and wear a pair of strappy wedges for what seems to be a night out on the town. To dress the outfit up, she added a statement necklace to tie it all in together. Drop the necklace and wedges, and this would be a perfect outfit for a day of shopping or a lunch with the girls.

I am definitely a huge fan of this look, especially in the crazy heat of Summer 2015. 5a1222933c7974d8e22bde3cc4b3740eRompers are probably the greatest things in the world, but I always found that with my body type it is always hard to find the perfect fit. I am a huge fan of the romper below because it is loose fitting but still has a bit of shape to it. Another thing that I love about it is the print, which can either be played up or down, depending on the day or night planned. Because of the pattern, you do not need to wear much jewelry with it and just pair it with some strappy sandals for a fun filled day, but if you are ready for a night out on the town, you can pair it with some bangles and cute wedges. 03c3ee4fed99cd22bf6d6214e18c2777

Last but not least, and one of my personal favorites is this matching top and bottom piece that has just recently become more popular over the summer. I love this outfit because you do not need to worry about matching one or the other with another piece of clothing. Its such a cute outfit for a night out on the town and in this specific outfit, I love the tribal print designs that are placed in great places. The outfit has a lot going on but its the perfect amount. Its a statement outfit that doesn’t need any other big pieces paired with it. Other than a cute pair of wedges or strappy sandals, its a well put together outfit!03d54192d6aabfd4ceb6004f831188aeWhatever you wear this summer, wear it with confidence, and make sure you prepare yourself for the dreadful heat.

It really is all about that #love

I am not your typical sappy “love” girl. I never have been but I recently just had a give-a-way for our jewels and instead of asking our girls to comment on our baubles, I asked them to comment on “what love means to them?”.


Whoa, the responses were incredible and really gave me food for thought…

Does love really fuel us that much?

Are we really so accustomed to cynicism and heartache that love is an undertone?

Well, here is my personal thoughts on “love” and what it means to me;

“For me, love is an uncontrollable emotion that leaves you still in thought, manic with crave but even more so, endless with forgiveness. What we love will always let you down at some point. Why? Because we are human. But it is your willingness to survive the hurt to believe in love that makes a truly soulful heart and a soul mate forever. I believe that “love” is the most powerful emotional known to man.”

I could write a book on this but you have to read the beautiful comments made by just wonderful people…

Christina Elizabeth Karsoyan-  Love means, something you really care about and your love is unconditional to them you love that something so much you can’t even express how you feel. I love someone, and that’s everybody. So love for me means your emotions for them or whoever is unconditional.

Bre Barton Love is laughing together and not always having to be right.

Nancy P. Torres Love is what keeps me going daily, the driving force behind my intentions and actions and the answers to life’s toughest questions. Its meaning is multifaceted, changing with each circumstance and evolving with time and growth. It is the constant exchange of allowing others to come into our lives, break down our walls and evaluate what place they have in our hearts. Love is worth every sacrifice.


Chelsea Hewett Love is a babies smile or kisses from your puppy. Love is so fulfilling it’s in the moment.

Hye Rin Lee Love is the most powerful thing in the world

Erika Sánchez Love is everything

Kara Rubin Love is my four babies and their wonderful daddy!!!

Hye Rin Lee Love is all we have for me, my people and every creature.
unconditionally caring, helping, and giving my everything for all.
When you know about this really Love you would be a real person.

Anna Marie Adkins Love is never giving up on yourself, your family, and close friends.

Maura Ann Nolan Love means being that connected being that’s at the other end of the red string…that is forever supportive no matter if they believe in what you are doing or not…love means smiling to give the next person hope! Love means spreading happiness because everyone deserve to feel love and positivity and happiness by someone…love means hugging someone for just a minute longer to let the energy just take over their body!! Love

Kendra West Love is accepting that someone isn’t perfect and caring for them just as though they are. Love is putting the one you cherish before you, always. God loves me when I’m unlovable and I’m thankful for not only his love, but also my family & friends

Desiree Falcon Currently love means letting go. I was in a relationship where I finally felt safe, loved and appreciated. Due to his uncertainty of wanting kids he left me and now I’m forced to move on and pick up the pieces of my life. I still love him and his decision hurts but if he’s not happy I have to respect his decision and be happy that he was honest enough to not lead me on any further. Since this break up I have received so much love from my friends and family. I thought I was alone but I now know I’m not .

Lauryn Thomas Love bares all, knows all, love is what keeps us going!

Kristi Clumpner Love is patient and kind, the old proverb is true!

Rhonda Herring Love means my children and grandchildren. It’s that simple. I’ve never wanted another human in my life to be whole, happy and prosperous as much as I want that for them.

Shelby VanWormer love is looking into each others hearts and understanding the unique challenges we each face.

Fdrl Low Love is unconditional !


Jessica Booterbaugh Love is family. It’s caring for people and doing anything to protect or comfort them

Barbara Keel Hand Love is unconditional! Thru the good and the bad, that what makes you stronger. Been married 30 years, and I fall more in love with my hubby everyday!

Heidi Nave-Reagan Love is knowing that you have someone else with you thru it all, good, bad, ugly, or perfection.

Chelsea Oliver Love is being happy with another person no matter their flaws. Always seeing the best in that person. Someone you don’t have to pretend in front of. Someone who can still make you feel young and beautiful on your worst days. That person you still find yourself flirting with and realizing how lucky you are to have that person in your life.

Lindsay Fergerson Love is having the courage to let someone else in after being broken. Love is just one more bedtime kiss for a sweet little face. Love is hearing a little voice say “Mama” for the first time. Love is loving a child that may not be yours by blood, but by heart. Love is loving some one more than you love yourself. Love is wonderful and healing and amazing!

Victoria Rivas To me, love is when I see my fiance, if even for two minutes, and it takes away every bad thing that’s happened, every stress, anxiety, or fear. One hug takes that all away, and makes me feel like the luckiest person I the world.

Lindsey Brianne Love is not looking for perfection in another person. If you truly love someone you look past their flaws and accept them for who they are. You never want to change someone if you truly love them. Love is when you feel completely comfortable around them and they are the first person you want to tell something to. They are the first person you think of when you wake up and go to sleep. But in order to love someone else, you have to love yourself first.

Britney Johnson Love means accepting another person in the strongest way possible. It means supporting them in anything and everything, even when you may not agree on the situation.

Love means not looking for something better or seeing what’s out there. It means committing to that person because you know they complete you in every way. It doesn’t mean being a replica of another person, but rather being like a puzzle piece that fits perfectly with the other. Your traits complement each other to create better versions of you both.

Love means waking up early and whipping up pancakes in the morning just to show you care. It means going out of your way to make them smile and, without even thinking about it, dropping everything for them in those times when smiles aren’t appropriate.

Love means screaming at the top of your lungs sometimes. It means caring so damn much about that other person that you can’t help but become furious when your relationship is called into question. It means fighting to get it back.


Kealy Olvera Love is wanting to do the laundry for your other half even if it means your clothes have to wait. Love is giving someone the space they need to deal with a difficult situation but still being there without hesitation. Love is helping friends in need because you wouldn’t be here without them. Love is indescribable. It’s everything and nothing at the same time. Love is what feeds my soul.

Bre Barton 💕love is caring more for someone else and their happiness than yourself. It’s the simple acts, getting dressed in the dark so you don’t wake your spouse, or picking up their favorite dessert on the way home just because, and not always having to be right. It’s those everyday simple things that help form, grow and deepen love and help it last!

Jenna Faye Laney Love means joining with another person so that you are 2 separate entities part of the same heart. It means caring and praying for someone more than yourself. It means all or nothing.

Angela Askew Iove is a reflection of our self and what God would want us to be nothing like human love to make the world a beautiful place

Mallorie Hannon ♡ is my kids being happy and healthy!

Lindsay Blane Love is a boy who takes a chance on a girl and asks them to their prom, not knowing if it would be met with rejection. Love is being in a long distance relationship throughout college and graduate school from Buffalo to Philadelphia. Love is growing up with and sometimes apart from someone but always standing by each other’s side. Love is being on vacation and sitting on the phone in the hotel lobby until the sun comes up because your girlfriend is having a tough time adjusting to college and being away from home. Love is someone who stands unwaveringly by your side for 10 years 8 months and 11 days; and marries his high school sweetheart on the 12th day. Love is 10 years, 8 months and 12 days of ups and downs that’s triumphed by love, commitment and respect. Love is our journey; my high school sweetheart, best friend, and now husband as of March 7, 2015.

Love can mean anything… A person, a place, or a thing. To me love is a person, place and a thing. Wherever my love goes I follow it, my heart knows nothing more. My love is unconditional for my husband who puts his life on the line every day for me and our daughter, we will continue to follow him around the world as long as he’s in the Military because for those I love, I will sacrifice. (Winner)

Victoria Gaffney Love is complicated. It’s losing your breath, sore cheeks from smiling, unconditional forgivness, selfless , keeping all the pain bottled and watching it explode, being strong enough for someone else, it’s seeing past faults to find greatness. Love is complicated and never explained well enough to create the feeling it gives us. Love to me is everything. And everything has love for me (Winner)

Monique Martinez Love is something everyone should get to experience at least once in their life. Love to me means taking the good times along with the bad times and embracing them. Love is ups and downs BUT always sticking together. You can love someone… BUT being IN LOVE with someone is the best feeling in the world. Love is seeing the person you love smile everyday. (Winner)


Mercedes Patterson What love means to me? I simply feel that love is, kind, humble and peaceful. Being kind and humble I feel brings love to one another. This is a kind of love that you don’t need to spend years with people, or even know them for that matter. But what a simple “I thought about you” or “Good Morning” can warm, and bring a sense of peace to the heart!

Love is about my family & being with my husband any chance we get. Being in the military, he will miss our daughter’s milestones, our birthdays, holidays, etc. Love is reassuring him I will still be here every time he returns, just like I promised!

Erica Lake Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. 1Corinthians 13:7-8

Morgan Morton Love is the best feeling in the world. It’s about giving your all and not expecting anything back. Having butterflies every time you think of that special someone, being child or spouse. You will never forget what it feels like or lose hope. It’s amazing!!!

Heather Welsh-Brockett Love is my beautiful children… The strength of my parents from above giving me the courage to go out each day and never give up hope that peace and love will surround my babies and I… I am truly humbled every day by what I get back

Eliza Marie Esparza To me… Love is conquering everything out there that attacks a relationship. Whether it’s with your children, spouse, friends, or family. Love is seeing beyond the past of one another and loving each other with all flaws anyway. Love is picking up each other’s broken pieces and renewing the heart as a whole designing it to be stronger and doing everything in your power to stay in a person’s life. Love is waking up at 3 in the morning thinking about that special someone even if they’re right by your side. Love is putting that one person before anything and everyone else. Love is whatever makes you keep going; makes you feel confident, beautiful, joyful, and strong… Powerful… Complete. Love may make you do stupid things sometimes, but for the most part, love gives you the drive to wake up every morning and want to be and do better. It makes you want to shoot towards success with your every dying breath. Love is certainly a necessity to everyone, for it can keep even the most sad person going and it can change lives in incredible ways! Love is more than just a feeling.. It is a lifestyle.

Sarah Richey 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
This is what love means to me!


Adina Catherine Love is knowing your pregnancy would be complicated with twins in the same sac n placenta .love is knowing 50/50 chance you’ll get to hold your babies is not knowing day-to-day if your premie 2#12oz and 3#6oz babies will be in the hospital for a while 45 and 110 days is
not being able to be mom is having a twin daughter with trachea tube and no nursing and another twin daughter to balance your every moment around now that they are home and love is never doubting the power of love between mother and daughters

Angela Askew Liked and shared love is good for the soul and inspires joy to the heart .that was taught to transform something beautiful to bring two souls together as one !

Johanna Sepulveda-Shah Love is the person who knows how damaged you are and never gives up in showing you that you are worth it. You are special, beautiful, smart and loved. Love is the feeling of coming home after a long days work and having your little girl run into your arms and say, “mommy I missed you!”

Susan Paolucci Musetti Love is my husband working his but off to support his kids and I then coming home late and still taking care of me without complaint. I have MS and have very limited mobility and use if my hands and my husband picks up the slack without a complaint. That’s love.

Angela Milam Acceptance

Britney Johnson Love is complete acceptance: When we allow someone to be exactly as they are, without any belief that they aren’t good enough, without any belief that they would be “better” if they were different, this is love.

Love is completely unconditional: Love has no conditions. When we truly love someone, we can’t stop loving them, regardless of what they do or say. If our love is dependent upon the other person acting and speaking how we want, then this love is completely conditional. We often confuse this to be love, but this is just positive thoughts about someone. This is just loving what a person says or does, not loving them. Positive thoughts or the thought “I love you” isn’t necessary to love. Sometimes it even gets in the way.

Love is selfless: True love doesn’t want anything in return, because there is nothing it needs. We just love for the sake of love. When we love someone, we don’t look for them to fill our needs, love us back, and all those types of things. If that is what we are looking for, then we are just using the other person. What is the meaning of love? Love is completely selfless
Love comes in many different forms ♡

Angel Lynn Love to me is honesty and loyalty. It’s a pure feeling that can not be misunderstood. When you have love you have the beauty of knowing what true happiness is. Sharing love with someone is so powerful that nothing can come between. What a beautiful thing to have. Love is marrying my best friend September 4, 2015.


Ellen Richard Henchy Dickason Love is…making eye contact across the room and giving each other that special smile. Love is…laughing at the same time over something silly. Love is…sitting in silence and holding hands knowing you are each there for the other. Love is….

Tori McCrea Love is committing to that person, regardless of how you feel or your circumstances. Love is not a passing feeling but a firm commitment to being there no matter what may happen. Love is being held with no words after you’ve found out you lost your baby. Love is hearing your husband up every night praying for you when you’ve lost your speech due to a brain injury. Love is KNOWING that he’ll be there no matter what trials may come your way.

Victoria Rivas To me, love is when I see my fiance, if even for two minutes, and it takes away every bad thing that’s happened, every stress, anxiety, or fear. One hug takes that all away, and makes me feel like the luckiest person I the world.

Aubrey Wagner-Stuart Love is exactly what you say in those amazing, meaningful vows when you get married… to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part My husband and I have faced many ups and downs in over 15 years together, but somehow we have stayed strong and stayed in love, despite all the hard things that life throws at you, and I am ever so grateful for that (and for him!!)

Susan Crispeno Berkheimer Love to me is someone who will stand by you no matter what is going on and respect you! Love is unconditional


Brittany White Love is waking up in the morning and realizing that you are with your best friend. Love is looking into that persons eyes and realizing that you are the luckiest person in the world. Love is learning how to forgive. Love is staying up all night and talking about everything and nothing all at the same time. Love is the soft kisses and tight hugs at the end of a long day. Love is seeing the good, the bad, and the ugly and still wanting to stay by their side. Love is unconditional, patient, understanding, and giving. Love is getting butterflies from a single touch. Love is wanting to be a better person. Love is lifting others up. Loving is the enlightenment of the soul. It is you and it is me.

Jennifer Marie Having true support and a best friend who is there to laugh with you!

Tameka TheMrs Love is God.. Happiness and everlasting.. Love is the memories you hold close to your heart. Moms are Love..

Cinthia Saul Villalobos Will to take care of to the end with nothing in return love

Candice Garcia Love is unconditional wether it be family friends or whom ever you share it with,Love is unconditional

Melissa Esquivel Love is when someone accepts you the way you are with a good or bad past no judgment love is wanting you with all your flaws love is helping each other grow n motivate each other to be better to laugh be silly be kind to respect to honor to appreciate its family love is god given never too be taken for granted love is the best feeling in the world and everyone deserves to be loved

Stephanie Cartrette My husband of 20 years, my two children and my dog!!

Celene Casarez Love is joy that fills the heart, its family, and seeing your children, the smiles the shine in their eyes know that nothing maters more than the unconditional love that family and being a mother brings, good us good and the best gift he can give a woman is being a mother

Ursula Bonilla Love is an unconditional feeling that no matter how upset you are you wont stop loving that person. Love is putting someone’s feelings before yours because you want that person to be the most happy, and when that person you love is happy in every way… you are happy. Love is to think about that one person throughout the entire day..

Claudia Barreda Love is understanding the battle everyone goes through and seeing past that, it is seeing past the scars and finding beauty in them. God loved us unconditionally he didn’t see the bad or the ugly he just seen our heart love is doing just that.

Maria Mercado love is god without even a Lil bit of him it’s impossible . ….when you love something it will get protected from every thing . .like he does us….even when it’s love for our children and it’s tough we are still protecting them…’s funny warm understanding protective we take care of wt we love in any way there is so much more too much but this is all for now

Shilo Alexander Berg Any act of selflessness is an act of love. Love isn’t just hearts and rainbows… It’s also passion and pain and intensity.


I hope you enjoyed this #lovefest

Reasons to Have Best Friends


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  1. Shoulder to cry on

-They let me vent, but they tell me when I am obsessing over something and “seriously need to chill”. By doing so, they let me work things through in a much healthier way, and I end up much better off. They always help me to see that the glass is always half full, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

  1. To drink a little too much with (of course, if you’re 21) and dance on the tables in public..yes in public.

– My friends are always the first on the dance floor, and the last to leave. We do not care what anybody thinks, and of course we love to make a fool of ourselves.

  1. To try on an insane amount of outfits with before you pick the absolutely perfect one for a night out on the town!

-I have this problem where I NEED to try on every piece of clothing in my closet, but each of my friends will be there, saying yes, no or maybe, to each and every one, until I feel ready for a night out.

4. Talk about boys with/ cry over boys/ scream over boys

-Every single one of us has been through a terrible heartbreak, but no matter what, we have always been there to pick up the pieces. We love each other that much.

  1. Watch TV series/ netflix for days

Breaking Bad. Gossip Girl. OC. One Tree Hill. You name it, we watched it.

  1. To sleep in the same bed, cuddle, and not think anything of it

-Even though I snore a lot and I hog the blankets, they still let me cuddle when I am feeling lonely and just want some company. Thats love right there.

  1. Facebook and Instagram “stalk” crushes

-We know every one of our passwords and we all go on the same page and stalk the same people. I am not sure if it is a good idea that I am putting this on here for all of you to see, but don’t deny it, we all do it. We go full blown hacker when we want to find something out.

  1. To be honest no matter what

-Even though the truth may hurt, we all tell each and every one of each other the truth, and we aren’t scared to hear it. We know that at the end of the day, thats all that really matters, and we care enough about one another to coach each other through the struggles that we call “everyday life”

  1. “Okay don’t judge me but…” They never will

– We know everything about each other, and we have never once judged each other for it. We never hesitate to speak out and let the others know what happened, because we know that each and every one of us will take it to our graves.

  1. “SOS” There before you finish the text

-Whether it is something totally serious like getting out of an awkward or scary encounter, or something silly like picking out a “first date outfit”, my best friends will always jump to help, and be by my side before I know it.

  1. Talk in accents with

-Seriously, all we do is talk in an accent. British, southern, you name it. We know it. Sometimes in public we like to see how far we can go until someone notices that we are very American, and have zero accent.

Simple Thinking

This past year has definitely been a roller coaster of events for myself along with my loved ones. We have experienced great loss, and in the most unexpected and worst possible way. But there are so many things that I learned throughout the whole process.

1. Stop Blaming Everyone Around You

Sometimes, things are meant to happen. As awful as that sounds and as much as I hate to admit it, everything happens for a reason. Bad things happen to good people, and although I cant possibly wrap my head around the concept, I have to believe that there are better places out there. Having said that, this past year I learned that I cant blame the bad events that happen on the people who are closest to me. I find that I am always trying to find the shortcut out of things instead of dealing with it head on. Nobody can ever tell the future. So I need to be there for them, like they have always been there for me.

2. Love Myself

Yeah, I have made my fair share of mistakes. But this past year has helped me to realize that I need to forgive myself, and move on. I may not have to forget about what happened, but I should always stay true to myself and love myself for all that I am. Now that I can truly love myself, I can fully let others into my life, the way it should be. It seems like such a simple concept, if you think about it. But really think about it. How many of you are harder on yourselves than any of the others around you? How many times have you made a mistake and not been able to shake it off? I know I have. This sounds like a big fat cliche’, but in order to love someone else, you need to love yourself first.

3. Change is Good

This is definitely one of the hardest things I have had to find the truth in. I know that, without a doubt, nobody should make you change who you are, and you should never try to change someone else, but we are all a work in progress. By allowing yourself to make mistakes and to grow from them, you will be able to be the best version of yourself. Not anybody else, but yourself. You are going to have bad days, and you are going to have great days, and there will always be people there to go through it with you.


WATCH this…

I have never been much of a fan of wearing bulky things on my wrists, but lately I have been obsessing over watches, especially when I get to layer them with bracelets. Now, I know that watches can range in prices, and usually the ones that last longer are the ones that are more expensive, but why not indulge in something that you will take care of for a very long time? I have a variety of watches that are different in so many ways, ranging in price, style, and size. I love each of them for so many different reasons, but mostly because you can wear them with just about anything!


This first watch, which is gold in color is perfect to wear with any style outfit, no matter what event you are on your way too. I love the thickness of the band, and the clear style of the watch head itself. It is great to layer with bracelets because of how slick and low key it is. You can wear this watch on the job as well as out on a date. You can play it up, or wear it by itself! This watch is a Marc Jacobs original, and although it might be on the pricier side of things, it will last you a lifetime and you will look fabulous!


This next watch is definitely cost appropriate if you are looking for something fun and unique. I have been obsessing over leather bands lately, and the face of the watch definitely plays it up a bit, making for a fun, down to earth outfit. You can find this watch at Francesca’s, which has an abundance of cool accessories for any fashionista out there.

73bd12331695fd5b1409ae3426f6d47dKate Spade is one of my favorite brands out there. I absolutely love their purses, but my heart belongs to all of their watches. Each watch is different in so many ways, but you can always tell that they are a Kate Spade original. I love layering their watches with their bracelets, which can definitely play up an outfit. Kate Spade is a little on the pricier side of the spectrum, but if you are looking for a great watch that will last you a long time, this is the place to look!

Healthy Me

One of my New Years Resolutions was to get myself back into tip top shape for this upcoming summer. I have been going to the gym and focusing on things the make myself stronger. I noticed that my body is always hurting when I do not take care of myself, so being in and out of the gym almost every day has been the best possible thing for me. I can slowly feel myself getting stronger, and it is the absolute best possible feeling, especially during this cold winter. Now that I have been consistently stretching and keeping my muscles warm, I have felt so great. I am not as tired, and I always am ready to run around and have some fun. Last year I napped way too much because my body was always tired, and my head was not in it. Now, things are getting a lot easier for me. A lot of the stuff I have been doing do not require extra weights or going to the gym, so you dont need a gym membership or spend money.

d29230421e837c7cc6947e2fd7b183b6 faa1886dc7c614dc3677628d0d1d4a5dBoth of these workouts are simple and do not require a lot of time. I know that many of you are busy,  and never can really find the time for yourself to get to the place where you want to be physically. These workouts, if done correctly, take up to 5 minutes of your day. Right when you wake up in the morning and before you head to work you can do these, or right before you go to bed every night.

Consistency is key when you are doing small workouts like these. I know when I first started doing them, the next day I would be terribly sore and would not want to do it again. But now that I am passed the soreness, I just want to get better and better. Once you get into the rhythm of things, it will only feel natural for you to work yourself out.

I always had soccer to fall back on when I didn’t feel like working out. I always knew that I would get a good workout from running down the field, so I never worked out outside of it. I always relied on it. Now that I am done playing soccer, I need to keep myself healthy. This has been a great start to the beginning of a new me! A new and healthy me!!!!

Be Mine?

With Valentines Day coming soon, what better way to show someone you love them with some beautiful pieces from yours truly! Today we have compiled for you a bunch of our favorite jewelry, which by the way, is very hard because we love them all so very much!

::Handmade L o v e Collection::

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Dainty hand-wired letter initial pendants and hardwired heart pendants. Listing details are as follows from listing picture 1:
Heart (1), Love Necklace, Heart (2), I do

For both heart necklaces choose with or without handmade letter initial. You will find this in the listing details.

Handmade pendants and letter pendants are made with 20 gage beaded wire in 14K GF or Sterling Silver.

Both Hearts pendants are made with both 14K gold fill and sterling silver. They come in mixed metal.

If you prefer them made in all of one metal please note this at CHECKOUT at ETSY!

These necklaces are perfect as a gift on Valentines Day, or a gift for your bridesmaids on your big day! I absolutely love all of them, and they all look great paired with other jewelry. Like we said in a recent post, our jewelry ranges from gold to silver, but we love to pair the two together. We stand by effortless beauty, so we try to make our jewelry as effortless as possible. This necklaces, like their design, are worn close to the heart, and are always meant to be a reminder of the love you share with the people around you. These are great gifts for loved ones, but even better gifts for yourself if you are looking for something nice.

Remember, if you are interested in something, and want it custom designed, let us know exactly what you want so that we can make it as special and unique as you are!

Spread the love:)

Statement Pieces

Here at Bare and Me, we like to pride ourselves on our dainty jewelry that can be paired and layered with anything, but every once and a while, we like to surprise you with some beautiful statement pieces. Whether it is for a wedding or a night out on the town with your girls, our jewelry will make you the center of attention!

If you are looking for something that will grab the attention of everyone around you, you definitely have to take a look at this statement piece we have been selling a lot of lately. Everyone is looking for something to brighten up their wardrobe, and this should be on the top of your list.

:::Turquoise & Natural Wood Beaded Necklace in Gold:::

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*Turquoise Blue Swarovski round 12mm pearls
*Natural light wood (12mm) round
*Gold plate chain & findings

-Measures 19 inches but this necklace can be adjusted to be shorter

This necklace is even prettier in person! It hangs so beautifully and looks good with any colors! I love wearing this necklace with a plain white T shirt and some jeans and booties. It always plays up a normal outfit into something fun and unique. The beads are actually made of wood so they can either be dressed up or down to make the perfect outfit for a perfect night out.

:::Chalcedony & Natural Wood Beaded Necklace:::

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*Natural Chalcedony
*Natural light wood (10mm) round
*Gold plate chain & findings

-Measures 15.5 inches in length to 18 inches

This style is also another great statement piece if you are looking to tone things down a bit. Much like our three row beaded necklace above, this necklace is great for a night out, but is a bit more muted. It would look beautiful with an all black outfit and used as a pop of color! I adore this piece of jewelry and think it would be beautiful for Spring of 2015.

As you all know, Valentines Day is around the corner and this would be a wonderful gift for a loved one! So check us out on Etsy and put in some orders because we are selling fast! Hurry Hurry Hurry!

Love is in the air!