5 Tips to help you run a successful business…

I am not the expert on success but what I am an expert on is “working hard”!

I do not work for money, I work because I love what I do. I have a few tips to help you find success in your life that translates to accomplishment in your financial life.

1. Find what you love…

That could mean, you love people.

You love to invest money.

You love the rush of jumping out of a plane. (Cray, Cray people)

You love to write.

*Find a way to JUST DO IT! 

2. Develop a plan…

Look, dreaming about doing something in your head will never get you anywhere, it’s a dream. Take that dream out of your head and put it on paper. It may take you weeks to figure out exactly what that dream is on paper but it developes into a plan with out you even realizing it. It is your roadmap.

3. Do not work for money…

The minute you start your roadmap and all you can think about is “money”, it will never work. You have to think of this as a labor of love and “love is in the details”. Sometimes when the main focus is money, you look at it like; what is the fasted way I can accomplish this? Wrong approach. There is “no overnight success” and if there is, it is very rare.

4. If you can, always own your own business…

Work for someone else, develop your plan in baby steps. Leave, take your chance on yourself…

Doing something right is the most important thing you can do. Make everyday, a day forward to where you will be working for your own business and loving what you do.

5. Work Hard and I mean hard…

My husband often asks me: Do you really need the money that bad?

Note: We own and operate several restaurants in MD, VA. They are successful because we worked for 10 years very hard. The first 5 years, my husband worked 18 hours a day, one day off. I did all of the financials from home to raise our children. Was it my dream? No, it was my husbands, so I worked as hard as him to help him achieve this life long dream of owning and operating a business to be proud of.

My dream was to be a jewelry designer. I have designed for 15 years but just did shows here and their. I knew I was talented because I loved it and I sold everything out every-time.

I taught myself day and night new techniques and would just sit for hours upon hours creating these little sparklers. I love what I do and very big things are happening for our little train that could.

The truth is; I do not do this for the money, I do this because I am involved in so many of life’s special moments it is unreal. My jewelry is worn, loved and passed along as gifts, moments in time to be remembered.

Like a Bride designing a necklace for her “bridesmaids”. (They will always remember, where/how/who gave this to them.) It’s almost like a song that brings you back to a very special moment or a place in time.

A wife purchasing a “love link” bracelet for her husband that shows her devotion and love to him.

A friend who purchases our Initial birthstone necklace for a new mother to be. Emotional, loving and I get to be there without being there.

A Mother who designs a “keepsake” necklace for her daughter that has her initial on one side and the daughter on the other. Cherished for life.

I want to create and be part of memories in people’s lives. It makes me happy and fulfilled….

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