21st Random Act of Kindness

You make my world sparlke

YOU make my world a better place to live…

Do not wait, tomorrow it not guaranteed.

Today be bold and courageous and tell the people you love, that they are the sparkle in your world.

WE often do not communicate to the people we l o v e the most just what they mean to us, we figure they already know.

WE often take them for granted.

WE often lash out at them first.

WE often forget everyone needs to know they are loved, really loved.

But, most of all of, we are most silent when annoyed by these people…

It does not matter if they are your children, parents, friends, husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. These are the people that need to hear this sometimes, because they are the ones that will “have your back”, “love you the most”, and “will always be there”!

So today, spread the l o v e…

Share your sparkle…

Tell them they are special.

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