Bare and Me

Ladies, sometimes relationships aren’t meant to work out.

Sometimes, you deserve more.

Sometimes, you overanalyze too much.

And sometimes, its just not meant to be.

Do not force something that isn’t supposed to happen.

What so many women (me included) fail to understand is that we should not be with someone who does not want to be with us. It really really sucks to know that someone isn’t as into you as you are into them, but why would you want to fake love? Yeah, it sucks.

Having said that. Stop wallowing in your heartbreak, Stop sleeping all day, and please please please…. STOP CRYING. Don’t waste those tears. The more you think about how hurt you are, the longer you remain damaged.

What to do instead? Have fun!

Go out with the friends that make you the happiest. Think about all the other things in your life that make…

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